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Lemon Fresh
Mosquito Fighter
The most famous Scent Geranium must be the Lemon Fresh Mosquito Fighter and yes… It’s all in the name! The gorgeous green geranium spreads a citrus scent which is pleasant for you… but repels mosquitoes.
The Mosquito Fighter has a compact shape and felty-hairy, bright green leaves.
A common nickname for this plant is ‘Lemon-geranium’. The official cultivar is Pelargonium Graveolens. This plant is cultivated with as little as possible pesticides.
Our tip: plant several Mosquito Fighters together one big pot and place this on your balcony or patio: enjoy the smell and most of all, the absence of mosquitoes.
- Placement: in- or outdoor (sunny)
- Available: April - August
- Please note: avoid frost in the winter!

Mosquito? NO!
The essential oils in the Lemon Fresh Mosquito Fighter & Lemon Tree spread a citrus scent. This isn’t only refreshing but also repels mosquito’s: which at some times can be a very handy asset.

Bonsai Tree
Maybe less famous, but with the same mosquito repelling qualities, the Lemon Tree is a very special Lemon Fresh Scent Geranium! A beautiful Bonsai –shaped dark green geranium which also spreads a citrus scent which is pleasant for you… but repels mosquitoes.
The Lemon Tree has a tree-like shape and felty-hairy, intense green leaves.
The official cultivar is Pelargonium Graveolens. This plant is cultivated with zero pesticides.
Our tip: plant your Lemon Tree in a high pot emphasising it’s tall shape and place it in the window: enjoy the smell and most of all, the absence of mosquitoes.
- Placement: in- or outdoor (sunny)
- Available: April - August
- Please note: avoid frost in the winter!
Queen of Lemon
The Queen of Lemon might not have the mosquito repelling qualities but she definitely has the looks. This gracious Lemon Fresh Scent Geranium has fresh green leaves seducing you with their citrus scent.
The Queen of Lemon has a compact shape and felty-hairy, fresh green leaves.
The official cultivar is Pelargonium Cripsum. This plant is cultivated with zero pesticides.
Our tip: as royalties do, plant your Queen of Lemon in a stately pot and decorate the kitchen or garden table.
- Placement: in- or outdoor (sunny)
- Available: April - August
- Please note: avoid frost in the winter!

Did you know...
Some scents tickle our senses, lemon is one of them. It keeps you lively and focussed making it a nice addition to a workplace: you’ll make less errors and get less tired during the day.
The Scent Geraniums leaf reduce coughing and have an anti-bacterial effect.The Lemon Fresh also has a disinfectant effect.

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