Bright green geranium Sweet cola scent

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Cola Fresh

The Cola Fresh Scent Geranium is our latest geranium. It has a sweet cola scent which will make you daydream about an ice cold glass of cola on a warm summer’s day!

The Cola Fresh has a failry ‚upright‘ shape and bright green leaves.
The official cultivar is Pelargonium x Asperum. This plant is cultivated with as little as possible pesticides.

Our tip: place your Cola Fresh Scent Geranium in the garden: the sweet smell will quench your thirst!

  • Placement: in- or outdoor (sunny)
  • Available: April - August
  • Please note: avoid frost in the winter!

Did you know...

The scent of cola will likely take your thoughts to a hot summer’s day and that ever refreshing ice-cold glass of cola.

There are many stories and myths about cola and other uses for it then drinking, from stain removal to pesticide. An interesting one is the function of fertilizer. Though not officially proven, adding cola to flowers like Azaleas or Gardenias is like zapping them with a safe, effective, fertilizer.

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